Our water
- Life
The human body consists of more than 70% water. That is why water is essential for our survival and takes on a number of important tasks in our bodies. It is responsible for the entire metabolism: On the one hand, it supplies our cells with oxygen, minerals and trace elements. On the other hand, it transports toxins out of our body and thus relieves us.
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memon under 5 minutes
What can
memon do?
If the natural structure of water is destroyed, for example by electrosmog, water can no longer fully accomplish its various functions within our bodies. The memon technology makes it possible to restore the natural structure of the water and thus ensures renatured water.
The result:
Pure renatured water.

Slide for effect
The positive change in drinking water due to the memon technology is measurable. The renowned water researcher Bernd Bruns, among others, has confirmed this.
As early as 2006, Bernd Bruns investigated the effect of the memon technology on water using the so-called water maturity method. According to its evaluation criteria, the renaturalized memon water reaches the highest level of quality.
Water explorer Bernd Bruns
Summer bath Stadensen about memon

With the memonizerFLATWATER you can enjoy naturally structured water wherever you want. The memonizerFLATWATER is used in homes and on the road, e.g. in hotel rooms and mobile homes.
For renaturalized water
With memonizerPOOL you can enjoy renaturalized bathing water all around. It is used in swimming pools, whirlpools and wellness facilities.
The memonizerWATER is an installation variant of the memonizerFLATWATER. It is mostly used in houses and buildings where it is possible to install centrally.