Take a break
Especially for you and all amateur athletes Bernadette has a few valuable tips about what is important for recovery – and how it improves your overall performance:
1. Sleep is the best way to recover
Whether it is a “power nap” after an intense session or enough sleep at night. Switch off the light and all electrical appliances, choose a suitable mattress and room temperature, and you’re off to dreamland for about 8 hours (this varies of course for different people).
2. You are what you eat!
Of course, good nutrition also plays a very big role. Anything that places additional demands on the body and distracts it from its real work of regenerating the muscles should be avoided. Your body can best absorb nutrients directly after training or within a maximum period of 1.5 hours and use them effectively to promote regeneration.
3. The courage to take a break!
For me, this means consciously taking recovery days or even just a few hours. Amateur athletes especially often overlook this point. Your fitness improves during these breaks!
4. Mental recovery – creating a healthy “sport-life” balance
Everyone should find something that completely separates them from their sport, especially mentally. People underestimate the full impact of mental or emotional stress on your store of energy. For me, for example, yoga usually recharges my soul.
Why are breaks so important?

Every workout is a strain on the body. Muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons are stressed in the process. Therefore, they need enough time to recover after training. Only then is the body fully fit again. This applies to professionals as well as to amateur athletes. The only difference is how long the body needs to regenerate.
And that depends on many factors: the individual fitness level, of course, but also external influences such as your current life situation or environmental stresses. Trouble with your colleagues, stress with the kids, too little sleep, unhealthy food – all of these can affect us greatly.
On top of that, our mobile phones are constantly at our ears and the laptop or tablet is always with us – this puts us under additional stress. Not only mentally, but also physically, because this exposes us to electromagnetic radiation (electro smog) around the clock. And this has been shown to slow down our cellular regeneration and impair our performance.
More on that
That is why numerous competitive athletes and even sports associations have been relying on memon for many years. Memon technology creates a natural environment for life in which the body can regenerate to the full.
"In high-performance sport, the main thing is to recover to the full in the shortest possible time. There are three building blocks: Nutrition, sleep and keeping hydrated. If you do all this in a well protected environment you will have top results. This is where memon supports us.”
(Stefan Juen, Sports Physiotherapist and Founder of Europa Fortbildungsakademie Gesundheit)
Not only top athletes like Bernadette Lorenz or Marcel Hirscher benefit from this, but also every amateur athlete and everyone who wants to protect themselves from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation.
“One bad night can make the difference between winning or losing in elite sport, so it’s good that memon keeps all the disruptive factors away from me.”
(Marcel Hirscher, 8-time World Cup and twice Olympic champion Alpine skier)
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