Published on 12 March 2024
Effect of memon on the cells
The cell biology studies carried out in the laboratory by Professor Peter C. Dartsch show how electromagnetic radiation (electrosmog) can damage cells. Dartsch simulated natural conditions and exposed the cells to the electromagnetic radiation of a standard smartphone. It turned out: The cells lose a massive amount of vitality.
Background: Limit values for mobile phone radiation apply in Germany. These limits are set by the BfS and must be complied with by all mobile phone and smartphone manufacturers. The smartphone that Professor Dartsch used for his studies even had a lower radiation level than specified by the Bfs. However, the radiation from the smartphone still had a damaging effect on the cells.
Learn more about limit values
What he saw astounded the experienced cell researcher: this time, the cells did not change and cell vitality was maintained. The professor also repeated this attempt again and again. But he always came to the same conclusion: with a memoniserMOBILE on the smartphone, the negative effects of radiation did not materialise.

Professor Dartsch's conclusion: "To my surprise, it has repeatedly been shown that memon devices are able to compensate for the undesirable effects of electromagnetic radiation."
View into Professor Dartsch's laboratory:
Effect of mobile phone radiation on cells
The worrying thing: Dartsch used a conventional smartphone that complied with the Specifications of the Bundesamts für Strahlenschutz (BfS - Federal Office for Radiation Protection).Background: Limit values for mobile phone radiation apply in Germany. These limits are set by the BfS and must be complied with by all mobile phone and smartphone manufacturers. The smartphone that Professor Dartsch used for his studies even had a lower radiation level than specified by the Bfs. However, the radiation from the smartphone still had a damaging effect on the cells.
Learn more about limit values
Effect of memon on cells
Professor Dartsch repeated the experiment several times and always came to the same result: The cells changed, they lost vitality. Then Dartsch made a key change: he put a memonizerMOBILE on the test mobile phone and repeated the experiment…What he saw astounded the experienced cell researcher: this time, the cells did not change and cell vitality was maintained. The professor also repeated this attempt again and again. But he always came to the same conclusion: with a memoniserMOBILE on the smartphone, the negative effects of radiation did not materialise.

Professor Dartsch's conclusion: "To my surprise, it has repeatedly been shown that memon devices are able to compensate for the undesirable effects of electromagnetic radiation."
View into Professor Dartsch's laboratory:
Unique in the world
Professor Dartsch continued on the basis of his astonishing findings. Further years of cell research followed with numerous tests and investigations in the laboratory. Dartsch gained exciting insights into the unique mode of action of memon technology. As a result, memon is the only company in the world to be awarded the Dartsch Scientific Gold Seal.How memon technology works