The memon technology was the first worldwide to receive the award.
Gold Seal
In the meantime, further years of continuous cell biological research followed with numerous tests and examinations by Prof. Dartsch. These examinations were carried out based on a wide range of criteria that are of the utmost importance for scientific significance and brought further insights into the unique mode of action of the memon technology. This led to memon being the only company in the world to be awarded the Dartsch Scientific Gold Seal.
The company's products under investigation do not actively influence the cell cultures. The natural cell function is preserved.
The company's products investigated each have a protective effect for the cell cultures in the presence of negative external influences (especially electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation).
The protective effect for cell cultures is established for at least 3 different products of the company's technology.
The Institute is able to establish the protective effect of each individual company product on cell cultures through continuous research work over a period of at least five years.
The results of the cell research (protective effect) are recorded in test reports and published in at least two international journals.
on cell vitality.

memon demonstrably protects the cell from the influence of cell-biological effects caused by high-frequency radiation (electrosmog).
cell researcher
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Peter C. Dartsch is one of the leading cell researchers in Germany. He has been conducting cell biological and toxicological research for more than 25 years.
As a member of the medical faculty at the University of Tübingen, Prof. Dartsch trains students and has repeatedly found that memon effectively and sustainably protects cells from electrosmog.