Published on 29 March 2022
What is electrosmog actually?
What is electrosmog??
Strictly speaking, electrosmog – or also e-smog – is a colloquial expression for electromagnetic radiation. It is generated by electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (EMF) and radiation (EMR), which do not occur in nature, but which are generated technically.Where does electrosmog occur?

First of all, electrosmog occurs everywhere where current flows. There electromagnetic fields (EMF) are generated. The biggest part of electrosmog, however, comprises electromagnetic radiation (EMR). It is generated by cell towers, WLAN, Bluetooth, wireless devices and digital technologies like mobile phones and smartphones, laptop computers and notebooks, tablet computers, e-readers, Bluetooth headphones etc.
Radiation exposure has dramatically increased during the last years – firstly due to 5G, secondly due to the fact that we use more and more digital technology. Not only mobile phones and laptop computers, but also a great number of apps facilitate our everyday life. Internet shopping, online banking, zoom meetings – we can handle almost everything digitally. This means, however, that meanwhile we are exposed to the radiation caused by electrosmog 24 hours a day, seven days a week – even if we don’t use the mobile phone or the tablet computer - because the radiation is still there.
Is electrosmog harmful?
In the meantime there are about 1000 scientific studies worldwide which prove scientifically the harmful biological effects caused by electrosmog.
That’s why more and more physicians and scientists in the whole world demand to stop the expansion of the digital infrastructure (for example 5G). In 2000 already – and thereby long before 5G – 300 Russian research teams presented their results about the effects of electromagnetic fields and radiation (EMF and EMR) in biology and medicine at an international science congress. The report by Prof Dr Jurij Vakhtin attracted special attention because the research team of Prof Vakhtin found out that electrosmog has harmful side effects on the body even at the lowest intensities. Limit values offer therefore no protection at all against the negative biological effects of electrosmog as for example caused by mobile phone radiation.
More about limit values
In the Freiburg Appeal (Freiburger Appell) of 2002 several physicians addressed themselves to those responsible in the healthcare system and in politics as well as to the public. Therein they pointed to a clear temporal and spatial connection between the occurrence of certain illnesses and the beginning of the radiation exposure.
In 2015 more than 180 scientists and physicians of 36 countries turned to the European Union and warned about the dangers of 5G. The scientists requested the EU to follow a resolution, passed by the Council of Europe, in which an independent work group is being demanded to reassess health effects.
How harmful is 5G?
Which steps are taken against the effects of electrosmog?
In order to protect people against the effects of electrosmog legal limit values were established. The limits are supposed to minimize the radiation exposure for mobile phone users so that there are no health risks.But exactly that is the crucial point: The limit values are of no medical relevance. In order to establish the threshold values, the competent authority, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), confines itself exclusively to the thermal effects, so for example to the fact that the ear warms up while telephoning with the mobile phone for longer periods. The biological effects of mobile phone radiation have been ignored for years – despite the great numbers of studies worldwide which prove that mobile phone radiation might partly have serious biological effects on the body already far below the valid limit values.
Who should be protected against electrosmog?
Protection against electrosmog is necessary for everyone. As we are meanwhile within reach of WLAN or mobile communications (4G or LTE, 5G respectively) 24 hours a day, we are under the influence of electrosmog around the clock, thus under the influence of high-frequency, pulsed radiation. Every single organism is overstrained by that in the long run.Does a shield protect me?
In shielding electrosmog, a protective screen is being built, so to speak, for example by means of shielding paint and plaster for walls as well as by special textiles for windows. All that is supposed to shield the radiation that comes from outdoors (e.g. through radio masts and the neighbour’s wireless network). Electrical devices in the house or in the flat, however, generate electrosmog that is consequently still there. And even more: Through digital technology (WLAN, mobile phone etc.) which is used in the house or in the flat, the radiation can often multiply so that a shield might even have unfavourable effects.More on that
How can I protect myself in a sustainable way?

In principle, one should avoid wireless devices and digital technology, as far as possible. Thus, use wired headphones instead of Bluetooth headphones and turn off the smartphone and the WLAN router during the night. Radiation, however, penetrates easily through walls so that we are still exposed to the high-frequency radiation of satellites, radio masts or the neighbour’s wireless network. That’s why the memon technology has been developed, which compensates the negative effects of electrosmog without us having to renounce modern technology. Through memon a renatured living environment is created, in which the human organism can be protected against radiation stress and recuperate perfectly.
How does memon work?